People are at a crossroads.
Behind lies a changing economy: economic and electronic revolutions delete jobs like blips on a computer screen... bright foreign nationals compete aggressively... companies downsize... pension plans shrink... bankrupt governments reduce benefits... Social Security is insecure... And inflation, high taxes, day-care costs, stratospheric college expenses, and endless rush-hour traffic impose emotional and financial stress unprecedented in American history.

Behind lies the Job System - dying. Behind lie Job-dependent retirement programs - disappearing. Ahead an income producing system that will provide a different form of retirement security.

With over 2,000 people joining network marketing programs daily, this ultra-modern business system, like a 747 gaining speed on a runway, is taking off.

Americans can choose to join this movement and build an income that can enable them to retire at any time. Or Americans can cling to the ways of the past: send out more resumes... work longer hours... hope that somehow a miracle will happen.

Self-Fulfilling Prophecy
The time is near when not to be in network marketing will seem odd, like not being able to drive a car or use a computer. It is possible for any ambitious person using his or her spare time to put together a small network of marketing representatives in a year or two - and generate there from a continuing annual income of $40,000 to $60,000 or more.

That means, if the network itself is seen as the "capital fund," that the person who built this network has created something worth, in terms of the income it spins off at a modest 4-6% interest, the equivalent of a ONE MILLION DOLLAR capital fund.

A good network marketing business can create more money in five years than Social Security will pay after 40 years or most pension plans will provide after 25 years saving and investing.

The "Rule of 72" cannot "mug" a good network marketing business. The income from this kind of business is based on a percentage of the repeat sale of products and/or services. As inflation pushes the sale price higher, one receives a percent of a larger sum. A good network marketing business automatically adjusts for inflation.

The Single Mother... the Out of Work Manager... the Burnt-Out Professional... the Med School Student... the Young Attorney Doing "Grunt" Work... Anybody in Bankruptcy... Anyone Working Two Jobs... Every Person Thinking of Quitting Before He's Fired... The Man or Woman in a "Dead-End" Job... All the People in the 80% Who Do not Have Enough on Which to Retire - each of these is at a crossroads. Each of them needs to know that network marketing is the answer.

William A. Stanmeyer, J.D.
Has taught logic and political economics on the university level and has been a Professor of Law at Indiana University and Georgetown University Law Center.


This is almost overwhelming when you think about it.

Moses and the people were in the desert, but what was he going to do with them?

They had to be fed, and feeding 2 or 3 million people requires a lot of food.

According to the Quartermaster General in the Army, it is reported that Moses would have to have had 1500 tons of food each day. Do you know that to bring that much food each day, two freight trains, each at least a mile long, would be required!

Besides you must remember, they were out in the desert, so they would have to have firewood to use in cooking the food. This would take 4000 tons of wood and a few more freight trains, each a mile long, just for one day.

And just think, they were forty years in transit.

And Oh yes! They would have to have water. If they only had enough to drink and wash a few dishes, it would take 11,000,000 gallons each day and a freight train with tank cars, 1800 miles long, just to bring water!

And then another thing!

They had to get across the Red Sea at night. Now, if they went on a narrow path, double file, the line would be 800 miles long and would require 35 days and nights to get through. So there had to be a space in the Red Sea, 3 miles wide so that they could walk 5000 abreast to get over in one night.

But then, there is another problem...............each time they camped at the end of the day, a campground two-thirds the size of the state of Rhode Island was required, or a total of 750 square miles long........ think of it! This much space for camping.

Do you think Moses figured all this out before he left Egypt? I think not! You see, Moses believed in God. God took care of these things for him.

Now do you think God has any problem taking care of all your needs?

I asked the Lord to bless you as I prayed for you today. To guide you and protect you as you go along your way....... His love is always with you, His promises are true, And when we give Him all our cares, You know He will see us through.

Our God is an Awesome God!!

So when the road you're traveling on seems difficult at best, just remember I'm praying and God will do the rest.